Act I

– Part 1

Scene 1 Adina at home at her farm. Farm and household workers take a break in the hot quiet midday. Adina is reading and Nemorino is watching her. Adina tells the story of Tristan and Isolde. Oddly, this libretto was written around the time Richard Wagner was finishing his studies.

Complete musical numbers (audio, video). Return to Elixir of Love introduction above under Featured Works

  • 1. Overture
  • 2A. Tablò (Giannetta, Adina, Coro) Act I Orchestra Score pg. 29, PV Score pg. 6
  • 2B. Arietta (Nemorino) Act I Orchestral Score pg. 47, PV Score pg. 15
  • 2C Reprise
  • 3A. Recitative
  • 3B. Scene (Adina, Giannetta, Nemorino, Coro) Act I Orchestral Score pg. 65, PV Score pg. 24

Scene 2 Handsome and confident Sergeant Belcore enters with his ‘drappello’ of soldiers. He presents flowers to Adina and begins immediately to carry away her heart. Nemorino is a pitiable vision in comparison.

  • 4A. March (Belcore) Act I Orchestral Score pg. 98, PV Score pg. 36
  • 4B. Quartet (Belcore, Adina, Giannetta, Nemorino)

Scene 3 Nemorino wishes a word with Adina after the soldiers have gone to bivouac and the workers have returned to work. She is unsympathetic, suggesting the breeze as her happy model for a life not needing deep love.

  • 4C. Recitative
  • 5A. Recitative (Adina, Nemorino) Act I Orchestral Score pg. 148, PV Score pg. 54
  • 5B. Duet (Adina, Nemorino) The score images below may be paged by clicking on the right arrow floating on each one.

Act I

– Part 2

Scene 4 The village plaza with villagers coming and going. The sound of a trumpet-

Scene 5 Doctor Dulcamara arrives standing on a golden carriage having in hand cards and bottles.

  • 6. Chorus Act I Orchestral Score pg. 191, PV Score pg. 76
  • 7. Aria (Dulcamara, Chorus) Act I Orchestral Score pg. 209, PV Score pg. 83
score image from L'elisir d'amore, new bel canto, Udite aria.

Scene 6 Nemorino approaches Dulcamara to ask about the love potion of Queen Isolde.

Scene 7 Nemorino alone with the bottle of elixir!

Scene 8 Adina enters, watching Nemorino.  Who is that madman?

  • 8A. Recitative
  • 8B. Duet (Nemorino, Dulcamara) Act I Orchestral Score pg. 241, PV Score pg. 94
  • 8C. Duet (Nemorino, Dulcamara) Act I Orchestral Score pg. 263, PV Score pg. 103
  • 9. Canzona (Nemorino) Act I Orchestral Score pg. 266, PV Score pg. 105
  • 10A. Recitative (Adina, Nemorino)
  • 10B Duet (Adina, Nemorino) Act I Orchestral Score pg. 281, PV Score pg. 112

Scene 9 Belcore enters, weary of the siege of love. He feels it is as tiring as a siege in war. He joins Adina and Nemorino, and they all argue. Adina agrees to set the wedding date in six days- Nemorino exults because he knows the elixir will take action in only one day.

Scene 10 Giannetta enters with a messenger from Belcore’s command: the troops must depart tomorrow morning. He asks Adina to accelerate their betrothal, and Adina unexpectedly agrees to having the wedding that evening. Nemorino is crushed. Everyone else — the chorus is now here too — is pleased. There will be a party!

Act II

– Part 1

Scene 1 The party at the inn before Adina weds Belcore.

Scene 2 The guests have left Dulcamara alone at the banquet, and he is content. Nemorino enters, distraught. It turns out that he needs another bottle of the elixir in order to speed up its effect. But he has no more money. This, for Dulcamara, alters the equation. He suggests Nemorino find some way to pay.

Scene 3 Nemorino throws himself on a bench; Belcore enters, complaining about women. Nemorino instead complains about money. Belcore suggests Nemorino sign up with the troops for some quick coin. He paints a happy picture of the military life. Qua la croce! (Make your X!) Nemorino signs.

Act II

– Part 2

Scene 4 The village maidens with Giannetta.  There is news of an inheritance.  Shh!

Scene 5 Nemorino has drunk.  Dell’elisir mirabile bevuto ho in abbondanza. (Of the miraculous elixir I have drunk .. abundantly.)

Scene 6 Adina and Dulcamara observe Nemorino.  The Doctor claims credit for his cheer.

Scene 7 Adina and Dulcamara discuss the elixir and other features of the power of love.

Scene 8 Nemorino alone.  He has an idea that just possibly he is loved: that the elixir is taking effect! Una furtiva lagrima negl’occhi suoi spuntò- (a secret tear from her eyes swelled out).

Scene 9 Nemorino watching Adina again. She seems even more beautiful with love newborn in her heart, or so he imagines. She returns the re-purchased enlistment contract to Nemorino, then – in a last play of apparent indifference – seems ready to leave.  Then, finally, she confesses her love. These stanzas were apparently written by the famous singer Maria Malibran, who sang Adina.

Scene 10 Belcore marches in and discovers: Adina and Nemorino together. Adina says, “he is my  spouse. What’s done is done.” Dulcamara claims credit, sells a few more bottles of elixir, and rides away while all cheer.

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